Interactive Decision Project is a platform dedicated to exploring and sharing innovative approaches to decision-making in emergency management, disaster response, and crisis situations. We aim to provide a forum for sharing ideas, observations, and case studies to adapt decision-making processes for quickly changing environments.
This project is a journey of discovery and a work-in-progress.
You are encouraged to share your observations, insights and ideas about this site, the interactive decision process (in theory or in practice) — my thanx for your contribution of knowledge.
Investigating ways of making decisions in quickly changing situations; those that develop in unexpected ways where facts and assumptions constantly change. Exploring how Emergency Managers and their staffs modify courses of action “in-stride” to achieve the desired outcomes by using just the right resources and level of effort.
At Interactive Decision Project, we are committed to helping organizations learn to navigate the complexities of decision-making in quickly changing environments.
Here are some key highlights of our research:
Adapting decision-making processes that account for ever-changing conditions and uncertainty.
Leveraging expertise in managing emergencies and developing effective response strategies.
Taking swift and decisive action in crisis situations to minimize impact and restore normalcy.
Optimizing the allocation of scarce resources to achieve desired outcomes.